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ATTITUDE... the way you LEAN!

     This time last year... most of us in the Tri-State area were freezing; searching for flashlights and dry firewood; (literally) fighting for gasoline; and emphatically cursing LIPA.  Super-Storm Sandy and her aftermath were tragic and long-lasting.  We all know volumes of heart-wrenching "Sandy stories" and we will never forget them.  Some families and businesses are even still battling back.  However, relative to last year... we're all doing great.  So... let's decide to celebrate this week, this month, and the rest of the year to remind each other that TOGETHER, we can't be beat!  

     Here are a few major events that Sandy cancelled last year (I may have missed a few):

1. Halloween...  Making this year's Halloween twice as nice for little ninjas and princesses everywhere.

2. 2012 NPC Eastern USA BodyBuilding Championships... Causing months of training and dieting, and many pounds of my bland tilapia to go to waste.

3. 2012 NYC Marathon... Upsetting mostly everybody; whether they were for or against the decision.

4. Lead the Way Fund's "A Run Down Hero Highway"... Postponing the 6th Annual Running of a very special event.

     Halloween 2013 was awesome, and hopefully helped the kids forget all about missing the trick-or-treating last year... Thanks to a minor Achilles injury I'm done competing in bodybuilding for a while...  So, let's focus on #3 and #4.

     Today was MARATHON SUNDAY.  It's a day when most New Yorkers take to the street to eat, drink, and celebrate the tremendous efforts and accomplishments of thousands of people from around the world (~48+ thousand runners).  This years race was even more special than most after the unprecedented and controversial cancellation of last year's race.  Furthermore, as Americans remember the tragic events that occurred at the Boston Marathon, there is an increased level of tension... and thankfully an increased level of security to match it. Leaving those significant matters to the professionals tasked with handling them, I wanted to focus on celebrating the runners.  

     Each and every one of the runners out there today was running for someone or "something." For the most part that "something" is very personal and unique, but there is one unifying "something" that every single runner shares.  That common "something" is often referred to as perseverance, guts, endurance, pride, strength, stamina, etc... but I actually believe that there is only one "something" that all 48+ thousand runners have in common.  That something is "ATTITUDE."  The word attitude can be defined and used in many ways.  It's meaning can be truly complex if you over think it, but when you boil it down to it's simplest form...  Attitude is the WAY YOU LEAN!  Attitude is + or - ... Attitude is whether you move towards something or away from it.  You have an attitude about everything.  Is it positive or negative?  Do you lean towards it, or move away?  The runners today all embodied the same ATTITUDE.  Literally, they all leaned forward towards the finish line (26.2 miles away and counting down).  Metaphorically, they choose to lean towards the challenge they were faced with; they choose to run TOWARDS the goal instead of moving away from it; they are all ATTITUDE+

     One of these runners who breathes ATTITUDE+ is VIPete Fitness client and friend Jessica Tubbs.  Jess emailed me in early July asking for my help in training for the 2013 NYC Marathon.  She explained that she'd undergone reconstructive hip surgery about 5 years ago (she also had two additional surgeries on the follow), but dreamed of running this year's NYC Marathon.  I had seriously mixed feelings after reading her email because I'd personally injured myself while training and running the 2011 NYC Marathon, and I started out with healthy hips, knees, and ankles!  However, I'm in the business of believing people CAN, and despite sound judgement and rational thinking... I really wanted to help her accomplish her goal.  It was obvious that Jess was going to try with or without me... so after giving all appropriate disclaimers about how crazy and dangerous what she was doing was I happily agreed to join her team. I wasn't going to be a dream killer. Coincidentally, Jess joined the Lead the Way Fund Marathon Team which is the same amazing organization that I ran the NYC Marathon for in 2011.   

     Jess and I focused on strength training and conditioning... and obviously the upper body shred (traps, delts, tri's and bi's) for wedding season : ).  Our main strategy was to build up her leg strength and core strength without causing any inflammation in the hip.  This was truly a challenge and learning experience for me in using caution and calculating modifications for almost everything I was used to doing.  I knew we had to avoid unnecessary mileage on her eternally "snappy" hip, but we had to get enough mileage in so that her joints could build up the stability to endure the whole marathon.  We agreed on one short run, and one progressively long run each week mixed in with the strength training and stretching.  We experienced a number of ups and frightening downs as Jess' hip occasionally decided to be "cranky."  As per usual, the plan changed, and changed again as we listened to what her body was telling us and tried to be "smart" while attempting to do something that most would consider "really stupid."  I honestly had a lot of stress through the process because I had to balance a desire to stay positive with Jess (moving her towards her goal) while feeling pressure and an obligation to keep her safe and healthy.  Anyway, Jess was not going to be derailed.  Even through some mystery bruising and recurring pains Jess had unbelievable strength in body and mind.  She displayed a remarkably positive ATTITUDE through training, and she brought that same unbelievable spirit to the starting line!

     Less than an hour ago, Jess completed the NYC Marathon in 4:27:41!  She battled windy and chilly conditions like everyone else, but she also battled nagging pain in her hips and achilles (yikes!) that most people wouldn't be able to fight through.  She chose to ignore the distractions, and relied on her remarkable ATTITUDE to keep her moving forwards towards achieving her goal... step by step by step.  Today she earned a prestigious marathon medal and many lifelong memories.  More importantly, she's proven to herself and to everyone else that if you want something bad enough, "you CAN always get what you want!" (sorry Mick)  Congratulations Jess on setting an example for the rest of us. 

     Jess ran for herself, her family, friends, doctors, and especially for the Lead the Way Fund which she passionately raised over $5,000 for (help her reach 6k!).  I've referenced the Lead the Way Fund a few times here including a mention of their annual event that was also cancelled by Sandy last year.  For those of you who are not familiar with the organization or the "Run Down Hero Highway" event... please click on the following link, and read the stories behind this truly special organization. Join us on Sunday, November 24th for the 6th Annual* A Run Down Hero Highway! I hope to see you out there showing off your ATTITUDE+.




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thanks for this post

March 23, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

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